
Transform Lives Through Planned Giving

Did you know that your support for Inspiracom can be both impactful and mutually beneficial? With strategic planning, your generosity creates lasting solutions for you, your family, and Inspiracom's mission to spread the gospel across the US-Mexico border. We offer innovative ways to use your assets for the greater good, while preserving their benefits for you and your loved ones.

"Give thanks to him who led his people through the wilderness, for his steadfast love endures forever"

Psalm 136:16 (NIV)

Gifts Anyone Can Make

You can make a lasting difference without altering your current lifestyle or compromising your family's security. By designating Inspiracom as a beneficiary of your estate or by donating certain assets now, you support our mission without impacting your daily life. These are the gifts that anyone can afford, allowing you to contribute without affecting your cash flow, lifestyle, or family security.

Benefits of Your Generosity:

Lifetime Impact

Make a gift that costs you nothing during your lifetime, leaving your cash flow and financial planning undisturbed.

Smart Investing

Utilize appreciated securities to "buy low and give high," maximizing your contribution without the need for cash.

Practical Giving

Donate assets that are no longer needed or wanted, turning them into gospel outreach.

Gifts That Pay You Back

Imagine making a gift that actually returns income to you. The IRS supports these creative plans, enhancing your ability to give generously.

Our life-income gifts allow you to make a substantial donation while simultaneously boosting your income. These plans aren't just investments; they're powerful tools for kingdom growth. By choosing these options, you receive payments for life or a specified period, all while supporting Inspiracom today.

Benefits Include:

Lifetime Income

Secure an additional income stream for yourself, your spouse, or loved ones.

Income Boost

Potentially increase the returns from your current investments.

Tax Advantages

Enjoy an immediate tax deduction and avoid capital gains tax on transferred appreciated assets.

Gifts That Protect Your Assets

Concerned about highly appreciated property or a growing family business? Wondering how to minimize taxes and preserve value for your family? Our planned giving options can align with your personal goals, save on taxes, and support our ministry simultaneously.

Typically, these gifts are realized upon the donor's passing, through mechanisms like a Charitable Lead Trust. This trust distributes annual payments to Inspiracom, and upon termination, the remaining principal benefits your heirs.

How It Benefits You and Your Heirs

Estate Tax Reduction

Significantly lower the estate tax impact when passing assets to your heirs.

Flexible Planning

Tailor the terms of payments to Inspiracom to minimize or eliminate transfer taxes.

Tax-Free Appreciation

Ensure that any growth within the trust passes to your designated heirs without tax implications.