
Meet Our Inspiracom Missionary Family

We invite you to join us in uplifting and supporting our missionaries. Your prayers are invaluable, providing spiritual strength and encouragement as they fulfill their calling. Additionally, your financial support directly empowers them to extend their reach and impact even further.

"So that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God."

Colossians 1:10 (NIV)

Jimmy and Kitty Stinson

Join us in backing Jimmy and Kitty, dedicated missionaries serving since 1974. Initially dispatched by the Congregational Methodist Church, they've been pivotal figures at Inspiracom since 1984, following their impactful work with Radio Cordac in Burundi, Africa, from 1975 to 1979. Today, they continue their mission in contributing to Inspiracom's global outreach.

Support their enduring commitment to spreading hope and faith worldwide.

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Jimmy and Kitty Stinson

Glenn and Bonnie Lafitte

Glenn grew up in the state of Georgia and was commissioned as a single missionary to serve with HCJB (now Reach Beyond) in Ecuador in 1981. Bonnie, the daughter of Wycliffe Bible Translators, grew up in Guatemala among the Rabinal Achí people. Upon graduation from Wheaton College in 1982, she went to Ecuador for a six-month internship combining ethnomusicology with community development. Bonnie and Glenn first met at HCJB in Ecuador, arriving two weeks apart. They were married May 7, 1983.

Since 1989 Glenn and Bonnie have been on loan to Inspiracom's Spanish and English radio and Bible correspondence ministry along the Mexico/US border. Glenn has since completed a PhD in Leadership Studies in 2017, serves as a consultant to the board and administration, and is now President Emeritus of Inspiracom. Bonnie ministers in the areas of music and writing. Together they minister in the areas of public relations and chaplaincy for Inspiracom.

The Lafittes have since grown to include two grown sons, two daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren.

Glenn - President Emeritus & Chaplaincy -- Inspiracom
Bonnie - Public Relations & Chaplaincy -- Inspiracom

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Glenn and Bonnie Lafitte

Florence Tingle

Florence Tingle's call to missionary life led her to Bible college on January 1, 1956. After her graduation in 1960, she embarked on a mission with the CM Church in Dallas, dedicating herself to serving both Mexican communities and Navajo Indians. Her commitment to furthering her ability to communicate and serve took her to language school in Guadalajara, Mexico, in 1969, laying the groundwork for a decade of service in Mexico with the World Gospel Mission and the Evangelical Methodist Church. In 2005, Florence joined the World Radio Network in Pharr, Texas, where she continues to serve with dedication.
Over the years, Florence's roles have been diverse and impactful—leading Bible studies, Sunday schools, training teachers, organizing camps and VBS, preaching, counseling, bookkeeping, directing choirs, and teaching. Her journey has been marked by dedication and adaptability, always ready to meet the mission's needs.

Support Florence Tingle's ongoing mission to spread faith and love through her diverse ministries.

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Florence Tingle

Thelma Meneses

Thelma Meneses and her husband, Hernán, dedicated 36 years to missionary work with HCJB (now Reach Beyond), where Hernán served as the director of the Christian Academy of the Air, a Spanish Bible correspondence school, until his passing in November 2016. At the age of 85, Thelma continues her invaluable support to the Academy. Despite health limitations, she contributes through baking for special events, assisting director Josefina Ríos with projects, and editing the Academy's Advanced course books, a series of 19 volumes.

Thelma's enduring commitment to the mission exemplifies her deep gratitude to God and her desire to further His Kingdom, even through small, impactful ways. Her story is a testament to a life well-lived for the glory of God.

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Thelma Meneses

Joe and Ginny Fahl

Joe Fahl is on the front lines of faith-based broadcasting with Inspiracom, serving communities along the U.S./Mexico border. As a dedicated missionary of KBNJ in Corpus Christi, TX, Joe's work is pivotal in spreading hope and encouragement across borders.

Join us in supporting Joe's mission to connect and uplift through the power of broadcasting.

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Joe Fahl

Marcos and Mariana Romero

Marcos and Mariana Romero are key figures at Inspiracom, dedicated to broadcasting vital messages of faith and hope along the U.S./Mexico border. With Marcos leading as the Manager of KNOG in Nogales, AZ, and Mariana contributing her talents in KNOG's production team, this dynamic duo plays a crucial role in their community.

Support the Romero's mission to inspire and connect listeners through their impactful broadcasting work.

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Marcos and Mariana Romero

Don Larson

Don Larson embarked on his missionary journey with Reach Beyond in 1974, initially serving in Quito, Ecuador, until 1980. In Quito, Don also contributed as a Youth Pastor and Pulpit Supply Coordinator in San Rafael. The Larson's mission continued in Guayaquil, Ecuador, from 1980 to 1985, where Don collaborated with local engineers to further their outreach. The Larson family returned to Quito for another term of service from 1985 to 1991 before moving to Brownsville, Texas, in 1991 to join KBNR with the World Radio Network (now Inspiracom). At KBNR, FM 88.3, an all-Spanish Christian radio station, Don serves as a Radio Engineer, broadcasting the Gospel across the U.S.-Mexico border.

Support Don Larson's enduring dedication to spreading faith and hope through his technical expertise in radio broadcasting.

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Don Larson

Paul Salzman

Paul and Shari Salzman have been integral to the Reach Beyond (HCJB) mission since 1980, starting their journey in Quito, Ecuador. Their dedication to spreading the gospel led them to Brownsville, TX, where they played a pivotal role in launching the KBNR station. After eight and a half years in Brownsville, the Salzmans moved to El Paso, TX in 1992 to establish KVER station. With a growing family of six children and six grandchildren, their commitment to their mission and family continues to inspire. Paul serves as a radio engineer for KVER, extending his expertise across all our stations in New Mexico and Arizona.

Support the Salzmans as they continue to connect and uplift communities through their broadcast ministry.

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Paul and Shari Salzman

John Adams

John Adams is dedicated to serving the Hispanic population across the Mexican-US border, utilizing five radio stations that span from El Paso, Texas, to Yuma, Arizona. His mission focuses on encouraging and assisting local managers and program producers, enabling them to serve and connect with their communities in meaningful ways under HIS guidance.

Join us in supporting John's efforts to foster unity and hope through the power of radio.

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Paul and Shari Salzman

Roz Lozier

Roz Lozier and her husband Burt embarked on their ministry journey after Burt's early retirement from IBM, starting with two impactful summers in Alaska with SEND. Their dedication to serving the Lord took them to Catalina, Arizona, for a winter project with Wycliffe/SIL, followed by a significant four-year term in Quito, Ecuador, with HCJB (now Reach Beyond). After returning to the US, they contributed for a year at the HCJB Engineering Center in Elkhart, Indiana.
In 2003, Roz and Burt commenced full-time missionary service with World Radio Network (now Inspiracom), where they continued their devoted work until retirement in 2012. The Loziers' legacy is enriched by their large and loving family, including 5 children, 29 grandchildren, and 32 great-grandchildren. Burt's passing on June 24, 2015, marked the end of an era, but Roz's story remains a testament to a life filled with service, love, and commitment to spreading the Gospel.

Now retired, Roz's and Burt's impact continues to inspire.

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Roz Lozier